People sometimes get frustrated because they fall behind when reading and learning due to the huge amounts of reading material they must absorb for school or work. So many books are being written worldwide, that readers sometimes have difficulty keeping up with the production of fiction and non-fiction works. It can be really amazing trying to keep up with it all " dont you think.
In the speedily changing and highly competitive business world, with new products and services, and new upgrades introduced every week, speed reading really comes in handy. Most corporate millionaires now read two or three business related books every week. That's a lot of work for those unfortunates who dont have speed reading abilities.
SPEED READING enables people to absorb up to twice or three times what they normally read in the same time.
Reading researchers in the past determined that the brain is competent of comprehending and cataloging from 10,000 to 50,000 units of information every minute. The length of a unit is about one word. The body's five senses are receptors for data, which it transfers to the subconscious mind to be recorded for posterity. When the conscious mind needs information, it is recalled from the subconscious. Then it surfaces the necessary data for processing and use, much like a computer.
An interactivity exists between the brain, which well just imagine that the computer CPU, and the mind which consists of thoughts and memories. All data gets processed in such a way that we can learn it.
The information that we get, process and evaluate comes from our five physical senses. With that data, our mind makes decisions, choices and judgments. We learn through our five senses (i.e. sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste), which are already preprogrammed to respond automatically.
A good example of pre-programmed action: Consider the example of the teen boy who smells pizza and what his reaction is. It is similar to Pavlov's dog, because his senses send a message to the brain in the form of a thought.
The perception of sensing our favorite food is a mental exercise, compared to the reaction of swallowing which is physical. Therefore, brain and mind is where the action is and the body is where the reaction is.
Learning this method of speed reading will encourage the use of three of the five senses. That is a method that will strongly influence your mind to remember, recall and understand; beyond that, well teach you Methods for becoming a better and more efficient reader.
Follow the instructions and you will turn into a speed reader who loves to read and improve the quality of his or her own life. We expect great, positive successes from you with great improvements in many areas of your life.
Statistics: The average American high school graduate (I know this sounds strange, but many are graduating without the ability to read at an eighth grade level), reads at about 200 words per minute. A college student reads 20% faster at 300 words per minute. It does not matter what your baseline or beginning reading speed is, your potential reading speed after using these techniques will be faster and your potential is truly unlimited. This is because scientists who have researched the human brain/mind agree that our potential is unlimited. Double-triple-quadruple your reading speed, theres no limit.
You can expect to learn how to achieve your greatest potentials as a reader, business person, student, etc. This is because you're becoming an avid speed reader and a complete success in life.
Be Dynamic Through Speed Reading will help you become totally unlimited in your power and ability to do, be, and have all that you desire in life, whether its great grades or financial success. Dr. Jay Polmar is the Master of the art of speed learning, accelerated learning and speed reading and has helped over 100,000 students worldwide become perfect learning machines. - 30443
In the speedily changing and highly competitive business world, with new products and services, and new upgrades introduced every week, speed reading really comes in handy. Most corporate millionaires now read two or three business related books every week. That's a lot of work for those unfortunates who dont have speed reading abilities.
SPEED READING enables people to absorb up to twice or three times what they normally read in the same time.
Reading researchers in the past determined that the brain is competent of comprehending and cataloging from 10,000 to 50,000 units of information every minute. The length of a unit is about one word. The body's five senses are receptors for data, which it transfers to the subconscious mind to be recorded for posterity. When the conscious mind needs information, it is recalled from the subconscious. Then it surfaces the necessary data for processing and use, much like a computer.
An interactivity exists between the brain, which well just imagine that the computer CPU, and the mind which consists of thoughts and memories. All data gets processed in such a way that we can learn it.
The information that we get, process and evaluate comes from our five physical senses. With that data, our mind makes decisions, choices and judgments. We learn through our five senses (i.e. sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste), which are already preprogrammed to respond automatically.
A good example of pre-programmed action: Consider the example of the teen boy who smells pizza and what his reaction is. It is similar to Pavlov's dog, because his senses send a message to the brain in the form of a thought.
The perception of sensing our favorite food is a mental exercise, compared to the reaction of swallowing which is physical. Therefore, brain and mind is where the action is and the body is where the reaction is.
Learning this method of speed reading will encourage the use of three of the five senses. That is a method that will strongly influence your mind to remember, recall and understand; beyond that, well teach you Methods for becoming a better and more efficient reader.
Follow the instructions and you will turn into a speed reader who loves to read and improve the quality of his or her own life. We expect great, positive successes from you with great improvements in many areas of your life.
Statistics: The average American high school graduate (I know this sounds strange, but many are graduating without the ability to read at an eighth grade level), reads at about 200 words per minute. A college student reads 20% faster at 300 words per minute. It does not matter what your baseline or beginning reading speed is, your potential reading speed after using these techniques will be faster and your potential is truly unlimited. This is because scientists who have researched the human brain/mind agree that our potential is unlimited. Double-triple-quadruple your reading speed, theres no limit.
You can expect to learn how to achieve your greatest potentials as a reader, business person, student, etc. This is because you're becoming an avid speed reader and a complete success in life.
Be Dynamic Through Speed Reading will help you become totally unlimited in your power and ability to do, be, and have all that you desire in life, whether its great grades or financial success. Dr. Jay Polmar is the Master of the art of speed learning, accelerated learning and speed reading and has helped over 100,000 students worldwide become perfect learning machines. - 30443
About the Author:
Success is yours. Amaze Yourself and Others. Amaze Yourself and OthersDouble Your Reading Speed, Learn How in 11 Minutes. Amaze Yourself and Others. Amaze Yourself and Others