The Radio Flyer Scooter is fashioned by the same company that produced the famous wagon known as the Flyer. Scooter models can be enjoyed by youngsters from five years old and under. Operation of a scooter is simple enough that most children can master the concept within minutes after being introduced to the toy. My 1st Scooter is great for teaching coordination and balance.
A first scooter may be a milestone for many children. They may have seen a older sibling on a razor or a scooter. The 1st Scooter model is very aware of the physical limitations of a young rider, but it must also be a safe and fun toy or the child will lose interest. The design of the 1st Scooter is easier to operate for a younger or smaller child.
Stability is an important part of the design of My 1st Scooter. There are two front wheels and 1 rear wheel. This means scooters are less likely to turn sharply and send the operator tumbling. Standard scooters place the single wheel in front of the platform with the double wheels in the read. A scooter can be used as a tow wagon for a child sitting on the platform.
My 1st Scooter is made of extremely durable plastic material just as the wagons with the famous historical name. The bright red color with white lettering is a match to the old-fashioned Flyer from the 40's and 50's. My 1st Scooter is also available in pink and white.
Safety is an important consideration for this age group. The scooter design provides a safe mount and dismount design. Children don't have to climb up and over the frame of the tricycle. They just need to step up onto the platform and push off with the other foot.
Radio Flyer also manufactures a scooter with a more traditional 2 wheels in the rear and one in the front. This model is called Radio Flyer Little Red Scooter. It is suitable for slightly older children, but a five-year-old might be too big for riding comfortably. The platform is a bit too short for the older child, so ankles tend to get banged and bruised.
Because the Little Red Scooter is so maneuverable, it can be operated on the carpet or on any relatively smooth surface outdoors. The single front wheel means the scooter turns sharply. Because of this feature, the scooter may end up going a little faster that safety would dictate. Crashes are not unusual, especially if the operator tries to turn a corner too quickly and loses control of a scooter.
If you are purchasing a Radio Flyer Scooter for a lucky youngster you should be aware of other safety equipment to protect the child. Child-size helmets help to prevent head injuries from falls and collisions. A child outfitted with knee and shin pads won't end up with scraped knees so easily. A set of elbow pads will eliminate many of the scraped elbows that can occur from contact with pavement. Modern day safety equipment is lightweight yet durable. - 30443
A first scooter may be a milestone for many children. They may have seen a older sibling on a razor or a scooter. The 1st Scooter model is very aware of the physical limitations of a young rider, but it must also be a safe and fun toy or the child will lose interest. The design of the 1st Scooter is easier to operate for a younger or smaller child.
Stability is an important part of the design of My 1st Scooter. There are two front wheels and 1 rear wheel. This means scooters are less likely to turn sharply and send the operator tumbling. Standard scooters place the single wheel in front of the platform with the double wheels in the read. A scooter can be used as a tow wagon for a child sitting on the platform.
My 1st Scooter is made of extremely durable plastic material just as the wagons with the famous historical name. The bright red color with white lettering is a match to the old-fashioned Flyer from the 40's and 50's. My 1st Scooter is also available in pink and white.
Safety is an important consideration for this age group. The scooter design provides a safe mount and dismount design. Children don't have to climb up and over the frame of the tricycle. They just need to step up onto the platform and push off with the other foot.
Radio Flyer also manufactures a scooter with a more traditional 2 wheels in the rear and one in the front. This model is called Radio Flyer Little Red Scooter. It is suitable for slightly older children, but a five-year-old might be too big for riding comfortably. The platform is a bit too short for the older child, so ankles tend to get banged and bruised.
Because the Little Red Scooter is so maneuverable, it can be operated on the carpet or on any relatively smooth surface outdoors. The single front wheel means the scooter turns sharply. Because of this feature, the scooter may end up going a little faster that safety would dictate. Crashes are not unusual, especially if the operator tries to turn a corner too quickly and loses control of a scooter.
If you are purchasing a Radio Flyer Scooter for a lucky youngster you should be aware of other safety equipment to protect the child. Child-size helmets help to prevent head injuries from falls and collisions. A child outfitted with knee and shin pads won't end up with scraped knees so easily. A set of elbow pads will eliminate many of the scraped elbows that can occur from contact with pavement. Modern day safety equipment is lightweight yet durable. - 30443
About the Author:
Buy your children a toy from your past, the Radio Flyer Scooter. None of the other toys are quite like this one. Your children are guaranteed to have fun on this scooter.