Adult School Vs Community College

By Carrie Spry

A few years ago, I attended an adult education school. It was great. I had tried a community college program before and thought I like it, until I tried this center. The classes at the adult school were concise and didn't contain any filler classes.

When I attended the community college, it was three years long and consisted of many unneeded classes. It was as though I was wasting my time with all these breaks between classes and weird schedules. Sometimes the breaks were as long as three hours.

The community college had beginning dates in September and January, but still only offered specific classes in each semester. It seemed I didn't have much of a choice when and how the classes were attended. Basically, I felt like my life was being controlled by this school for three years.

Sometimes it was an early start at 8:30am and a very late end at 6:30. But some days it was a late start or early end. It was practically impossible to maintain a part time job with that kind of schedule. It was also exhausting and confusing. I had to keep organized at least 5 classes, exams, assignments and work hours.

After not landing a job in my sector, I decided to go back to school. This time I was smarter. I decided to go to an adult education center for the main fact that it was only 8 months long and came out with a diploma and the community college version was two years.

I loved this school classes began at 8am and ended at 1pm everyday. There were small breaks during classes in which we were allowed to leave and come back. The programs were concise and to the point.

The way the classes were organized was great. It was one subject at a time. Usually it would be two weeks, however sometimes they were one and three weeks long. I never had to worry about assignments for different classes or more than one test at a time. It was great.

At the adult education center there was an employment specialist who would work with us. She would show us how to write a resume and even performed mock interviews. It was great. She showed the perspective of the employer to help us get an edge over the competition.

I spent one year at university before community college and it was terrible. There was like 300 people in my class and the teacher did not even know my name. It was the worst experience I had with education.

So out of the three, I rank university the worst. Community college was better in that the class sizes were smaller and you really got to know your teachers and classmates. But above all, the Adult Education center was the best because you got to know your teachers, your classmates, it was easy to schedule a part time job around, there was no wasted time or classes, and only one subject to concentrate on at a time. - 30443

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How To Get Rid of Acne Marks Fast

By Carlos Zhang

A vast portion of the population struggles with the stigma of unsightly marks on the face, neck, shoulders, and back. Whether you are a teenager or well into middle age, everyone can benefit from the basic knowledge of how to get rid of acne marks.

One must understand what acne is to begin with. Think of it as a localized infection on your skin. Pores become clogged with an excess of oil. This creates the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. The infection shows up as red sores on your skin. The skin is basically wounded with this infection. Picking at your pimples and repeatedly touching your skin only serves to spread the bacteria that already exist. One of the answers to how to get rid of acne marks is to not pick at or touch your acne at all.

Vitamin E oil is another alternative. Vitamin E has been used for years as a moisturizer and a scar reducer. Finally, Lavender oil which can be found at your local health or homeopathic store has been long associated with skin care.

Persons with more severe cases may be wondering how to get rid of acne marks when natural remedies fail. Help may be as close as your local dermatologist. There is no reason to suffer in shame and embarrassment. A specialist can help you decide on the best regimen for you. Here is a sampling of some of the services that may be available to you.

Retin-A is powerful topical ointment that is available in prescription strength. In concentrated doses it can be very irritating to the skin and prolonged exposure to the sun is to be avoided.

The remaining services will be performed by a dermatologist in a professional office setting. Some of these procedures may require general anesthesia. Be sure to check credential s and find a reputed dermatologist before receiving treatment.

There are many solutions on how to get rid of acne marks. One must determine the severity of the marks and many things may need to be tried before a solution is found. For lesser marks, try some of the natural home remedies that are available. Retin-A in its less concentrated form can be found in many over the counter skin products. Consult with a dermatologist of good repute to discuss more extreme methods if needed.

This author has suffered from acne their whole life. Do not avoid living your life to the fullest because of embarrassing acne. Acne is not your fault and you shouldn't feel as if it is. Try the home remedies or find a compassionate practitioner that is devoted to helping you with your skin. - 30443

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How To Prepare For Pregnancy

By Pam Moore

Almost every woman is blessed with the capacity to have children in her lifetime. It is considered to be one of the greatest gifts that a woman can give her husband. Having a child would make the couple more closer together, and at this point in their lives they can actually call themselves a family. Upon learning that the woman is pregnant, most couples excitedly start planning for her pregnancy and eventual childbirth.

When talking about pregnancy, it is very important to know about preconception issues regarding on giving birth. A check up with the physician or midwife would be highly advisable for the woman in order to prepare for childbirth. Physical preparation is also needed for giving birth, since this could change the normal function of the woman's body. A caregiver would be helpful in preparing the woman's body in conceiving, and also impart information concerning potential problems in pregnancy. Anxiety is commonly felt at this point, since the woman would really have to follow certain precautions in order to conceive a healthy baby. By seeking advice regarding on preconception, safety, lifestyle changes, prenatal vitamins, and the importance of folic acid, the woman could really prepare herself for giving birth.

When preparing for pregnancy, some changes in the woman's lifestyle might have to be made. Smoking cigarettes is a definitely off-limits, and also the consumption of alcohol. These addictions can affect the health of both the woman and her unborn child. A woman might need to lose or gain weight, according to her present weight relative to her height and build. Being too fat or too thin might bring complications for both the woman and the baby. A good start in preparing for childbirth would be to establish a mild exercise regime for the duration of the pregnancy. Consult your physician about nutrition and working out routines.

Becoming more educated about the woman's body while on the early stages of giving birth is essential for proper knowledge of the situation. Various parts of a woman's body have specific roles when it comes to pregnancy. Certain disorders from both prospective parents should be discussed with the physician for additional health background information. Anxiety is also felt by the couple since this is a very critical stage for the woman. Preconception stress is completely normal in women about to have a child, considering factors such as scheduling, sexuality, and self esteem, among many others.

When preparing for childbirth, the couple should be confident enough to know how to handle a child. Knowledge of early pregnancy symptoms are also important since these are signs that giving birth would happen in due time. When the couple feels that they are ready, then a visit to the Obstetrician/Gynecologist would help in gleaning more information on pregnancy. At this point, the couple can make use of a pregnancy calendar in order to follow the due course of giving birth. Anxiety is often felt by women when they know that they are pregnant. Feelings of worry and tension are usual signs that shows her being anxious about being pregnant. But by spending time with your husband, finding time to relax and unwind, with good exercise, anxiety should not be much of a problem. All you have to worry about now is what are we going name our baby? - 30443

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Clean Up Before Studying

By Dr. Jay Polmar

Did you know that you already have the greatest reading acceleration device ever discovered. It's simply --- your hand and it will help you read faster. And, people have spent thousands trying to increase their reading speed and comprehension percentage. But, there is no machine every discover that will do more for you than learning to coordinate your pacing finger and using the 4 special techniques we'll teach you.

What do your eyes do while you are "trying" to read? If you're like most people, your eyes are jerking around, looking, searching, and bouncing here and there. Then they will fixate for a second or two and maybe move on again causing your brain to wonder what you're doing. Sound familiar? Untrained readers go through this often.

Untrained readers experience this al lot. By learning speed reading, which includes the speed-pacing movement, you'll learn how to control and then accelerate your coordination related to reading. A pacing technique, from the Evelyn Wood collection, is taught in Speed Reading in Only One Hour - and it's going to increase your reading speed 50% in less than 10 minutes.

You'll do you best on exams by having a study environment that is optimum for study. focused lighting, arranged study area, with books and materials arranged. Computer turned on for research or input of information, nature sounds or baroque music, and total privacy. Stay away from problems - study with music with words, TV, sisters or brothers or lovers, and for god sake - stay away from alcohol and drugs because the muddy the mental abilities with a perfectly created study space in the information will go in properly and easily be retrieved.

Now you've set the stage for a successful learning process, using all the tools that we provide in Speed Reading in Only One Hour, you'll learn to enjoy your newly found ability to read, retain, recall - a great experience. - 30443

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Live An Addiction Free Life

By Andrew Johnson

Lived an abnormal life gripped in drug addiction? Is life not worth living for anymore? Life is the most precious gift of god & you have every right to live your life as normally as others do. Get to know more about drug addiction & how to come out of it.

Drug abuse can lead to drug dependence or addiction. Drug addiction may also follow the use of drugs for physical pain relief, though this is rare in people without a previous history of addiction. The exact reason of drug abuse and dependence is not yet known.

The genetic make-up of the individuals, peer pressure, emotional distress, anxiety, depression, and environmental stress are all factors which seem to be involved. Children who grow up in an environment of illicit drug use may first see their elders using drugs. This may put them at a higher risk for developing an addiction later in life for both environmental and genetic reasons.

Drug intoxication and drug overdose may be accidental or intentional. Drug withdrawal symptoms can occur when use of a substance is stopped. Withdrawal symptoms vary, depending on the particular substance. The withdrawal symptom depends on the length of time the drug was being used. Drug intoxication, overdose, and withdrawal can be life-threatening in some situations.

Drug Rehab was brought about to combat the evil effect of drug addiction as its use became more and more prevalent among teenagers and adolescents. The punk and rock culture that was prevalent made the use of these drugs appear 'cool' and once caught in the grip of this evil, the individual became more and more dependent on its use.

It is often advised that a patient stays at least 3 months in drug rehab, as those who stay longer have better results than those who spend less time.

Everyone is entitled to a happy, joyous, addiction-free life, with all of its benefits. The best rehab is the one that guarantees improved health, success in relationships, a feeling of self-worth & a life of abundance.

Individuals and families alike find sanctuary from the pain of drug abuse - at Sunset Malibu. Their addiction recovery facility is set in a beautiful, private location in Malibu, California. The patients will experience the highest quality amenities and comforts they deserve. - 30443

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Money Strategies For Your Growing Family

By Edie Mindell

Many families today are facing a financial crisis. Sometimes we are not sure if we can still cope up with the increasing prices of the basic commodities that our family needs. Much to our dismay, having kids in the family means a financial roller-coaster ride of your life in today's setting.

But rising prices do not necessarily mean having to risk your children's needs and welfare. Here are a few tips to aid you in what you should do to save money for your family's growing needs.

1. Set a budget

Have a written plan on how to spend your money for food and other basic needs, and put the amount in an envelope. Bring this envelope with you when you shop for your family's basic needs, and spend only what is in it. By doing so, you only get to spend what your budget permits and avoid the hassle of mounting bills. The money you save can go to other things that your children might need.

2. Have a list

When going shopping, bring a list and stick to it. Experts say that at least 20 percent more is spent on impulse items when shoppers don't bring a list.

3. Cut down on eating out

Cut down on eating out, ordering take out, or having food delivered. It may take some effort but the money you save will amaze you.

4. Skip the junk foods

Sodas, chips, candies, and all those munchies not only cost money, but they don't give value for money in terms of nutrients. If you and your family must have potato chips, make your own! At least you can control all the ingredients that go with it.

5. Make a weekly menu

By doing this, you get to plan what ingredients you have to buy, thus eliminating those that are not really needed. A menu also lets you check if your children are getting enough nutritious meals throughout the week. It also saves you the hassle of thinking what to cook everyday.

6. Grab the sale

Grab the discount and sales opportunity the malls and stores are offering. This is a great way to save on money while shopping for your children's needs. You get to buy the quality things your family needs without having to stretch your budget to the limit.

7. Go for discount coupons

Discount coupons offered in the internet are a great way to save money. Join a reputable contest in the internet that offers freebies and discount coupons as a reward. In this way, you get to shop for your children's needs without having to spend a single centavo.

As a parent, you need to look for ways on how to save money for your children's future. Your children depends on you, and the way you budget your income would greatly affect them. So, be wise and save a lot. - 30443

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Why Choose Zodiac Tattoos

By Roar Elias Georgsen

One out of every 10 individuals in America are said to have at least a single tattoo on their body. Previously a practice that has been frowned upon and has been stereotyped as unhygienic and rebellious, tattooing is now gaining a wide acceptance in the whole world. No longer are tattoos viewed in a negative light, but are rather seen as a means of self-expression and creativity.

Thus, from the oldest to the youngest, whether a corporate individual or a free-spirited biker, one would sure have a tattoo or at least plan to have one. Apparently, the practice of tattooing has already crossed boundaries.

Tattoos come in all shapes and sizes. The most common are dragons, koi fishes, Japanese and Chinese characters, and of course, roses. In choosing a tattoo design, careful consideration must take place for this becomes part of your life in more ways than one. After all, you wear the tattoo not like a simple accessory which you can take on or off at will. Rather, it will be with you for the rest of your life. In fact, removing a tattoo is a very painful and expensive process.

Thus, before one finally decides to have one, careful planning and decision is required. Because most individuals want to wear something that represents them, a perfect choice of tattoo design would be a zodiac tattoo. All individuals have a zodiac sign which reveals something about their personality, their tastes, characteristics and preferences. Interestingly, few people think of getting a tattoo of their zodiac sign. For one thing, you are born with a zodiac sign and you cannot erase that fact. So a tattoo with your zodiac sign is one fact that you can always have with you forever. Then it becomes an interesting start of any conversation. You can actually make more friends with your zodiac tattoo.

Each individual has a corresponding zodiac sign depending on the month that they were born. Accordingly, there are 12 zodiac signs for each month: Aries, Gemini, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

However, one need not worry that ones tattoo would turn out to be exactly the same as another person who was born on the same month. You can actually ensure that the tattoos are done in a unique and special way to match the client's preference and taste. Thus, no two tattoos would turn out to be exactly the same.

Zodiac tattoos could be customized for the client himself or herself. You can choose from a photo gallery that presents an array of pleasing designs. Thus, the procedure usually involves choosing an initial design from a wide variety of designs available. For instance, if one wants a Leo tattoo, there would be a wide variety of images to choose from. One could therefore either choose among the designs available or choose a design and then have it customized according to one's taste.

One could view the different designs available from their photo gallery which would eventually help an individual decide on what tattoo he or she would like to have. - 30443

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Radio Flyer Scooter: Increase Activity Level For Your Pre-Schooler

By Rob Fillmore

The Radio Flyer Scooter is fashioned by the same company that produced the famous wagon known as the Flyer. Scooter models can be enjoyed by youngsters from five years old and under. Operation of a scooter is simple enough that most children can master the concept within minutes after being introduced to the toy. My 1st Scooter is great for teaching coordination and balance.

A first scooter may be a milestone for many children. They may have seen a older sibling on a razor or a scooter. The 1st Scooter model is very aware of the physical limitations of a young rider, but it must also be a safe and fun toy or the child will lose interest. The design of the 1st Scooter is easier to operate for a younger or smaller child.

Stability is an important part of the design of My 1st Scooter. There are two front wheels and 1 rear wheel. This means scooters are less likely to turn sharply and send the operator tumbling. Standard scooters place the single wheel in front of the platform with the double wheels in the read. A scooter can be used as a tow wagon for a child sitting on the platform.

My 1st Scooter is made of extremely durable plastic material just as the wagons with the famous historical name. The bright red color with white lettering is a match to the old-fashioned Flyer from the 40's and 50's. My 1st Scooter is also available in pink and white.

Safety is an important consideration for this age group. The scooter design provides a safe mount and dismount design. Children don't have to climb up and over the frame of the tricycle. They just need to step up onto the platform and push off with the other foot.

Radio Flyer also manufactures a scooter with a more traditional 2 wheels in the rear and one in the front. This model is called Radio Flyer Little Red Scooter. It is suitable for slightly older children, but a five-year-old might be too big for riding comfortably. The platform is a bit too short for the older child, so ankles tend to get banged and bruised.

Because the Little Red Scooter is so maneuverable, it can be operated on the carpet or on any relatively smooth surface outdoors. The single front wheel means the scooter turns sharply. Because of this feature, the scooter may end up going a little faster that safety would dictate. Crashes are not unusual, especially if the operator tries to turn a corner too quickly and loses control of a scooter.

If you are purchasing a Radio Flyer Scooter for a lucky youngster you should be aware of other safety equipment to protect the child. Child-size helmets help to prevent head injuries from falls and collisions. A child outfitted with knee and shin pads won't end up with scraped knees so easily. A set of elbow pads will eliminate many of the scraped elbows that can occur from contact with pavement. Modern day safety equipment is lightweight yet durable. - 30443

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Your Child's Own Homemade Valentine Card Will Warm Any Heart

By Nicole Dean

An old fashioned idea sometimes is the best idea. Take, for instance, homemade Valentine cards. Giving a card to someone you love is wonderful, but when you make that card by hand, it's guaranteed to make a heart melt - especially Grandma and Grandpa!

Even if your child is very young or not at all talented at art, a Valentine card is all about the sentiment involved. You're not looking for perfection, just a simple statement of adoration. Get your supplies together and gather your children around the table. It's time to create a few messages of love straight from the heart!

Hand Holding Heart Valentine - With just a few simple supplies your child can present a charming and heart warming Valentine to someone they love. For this classic card you'll need to have a couple sheets of construction paper in a few colors. You'll also need a pencil, scissors, glue, and markers if you wish.

Have your child hold their hand out with fingers spread on one piece of construction paper. Trace the outline of your child's hand using a pencil, then cut out the hand drawn on the construction paper. Next, draw (or have your child draw) a heart small enough to fit within the palm of the hand on another piece of construction paper, choosing a different color if desired. Now, glue the heart onto the palm of the hand. Your child can either write a message on the heart or draw a picture, whichever is appropriate for his or her age. If your child presents this Valentine card to Grandma you are sure to get a tear or two!

Ribbon And Bow Valentine Heart - If your child enjoys creating with ribbon, this is a great card to make. You'll need some card stock or construction paper, scissors, a pencil, hole punch, and some thin ribbon or yarn. You can make the heart fancier if you have special scrapbooking scissors available.

Draw a heart on the construction paper or card stock, then cut the heart out, using either regular scissors or those scalloped scissors from the scrapbooking tools. Take the hole punch and have your child punch holes all along the edge of the heart. (You'll want an even number of holes.) Then, starting at the point or bottom of the heart, work the ribbon or yarn through the holes like sewing, working your way up to the top. You want to have the two ends of the ribbon wind up at the top of the heart. Then tie a pretty bow with the ribbon. Now your child can write a message on the heart, cover it with glitter, draw pictures, put some stickers on it, or whatever they think makes a pretty Valentine.

Collage Card For Valentine's Day - There may be some people who don't quite fit the glittery heart Valentine card as much as others. Perhaps a Grandfather or Father would appreciate a card that expresses their unique interests. Gather together some magazines or catalogs that have pictures they might like, then get out the construction paper, scissors, and glue.

Fold the construction paper in half to form a card. Now, sit down with the magazines and catalogs and let your child choose and cut out pictures that would be appealing to Dad or Grandpa. Once your child has a nice supply of pictures, it's time to begin gluing them onto the construction paper card. Just ask your child to use his or her imagination and arrange the pictures so the card has a pleasant appearance. You can glue some pictures to the front of the card as an introduction and write your greeting on the front, inside, or both. The addition of a few nice handwritten Valentine wishes and a signature is all you need.

Your child's very own homemade Valentine card will warm anyone's heart. Spread out the construction paper, gather the glitter and glue, and start creating special Valentine cards with your little ones today! Happy Valentine's Day. - 30443

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What are the Advantages of 2 in 1 Pushchairs?

By James A Mason

For those couples who are shortly expecting the arrival of baby there are several major items that they will need to purchase before the baby arrives. Of all the items that need to be brought one of the most important and one of the most expensive is a pram or pushchair. As they soon discover there are many different kinds of prams and pushchairs to select from so finding one that is suitable can prove challenge. To help them with their decision in this article we look at the advantages of 2-in-1 pushchairs.

The first thing that parents to be will notice with this type of pushchair is that the part in which the baby will travel can be easily converted from a pram into a pushchair just through the pressing of a number of buttons or levers. Plus to further ensure that the baby is kept safe and secure when travelling in this kind of pushchair the makers provide a fabric apron and hood.

So why should parents consider purchasing this particular type of pushchair rather than say a 3-in-1 pushchair or a more traditional pram? Below we look at the advantages of parents to be of getting this type over the others.

Advantage 1 " These pushchairs are suitable for using immediately after a baby has been born and until they reach the age of around 3. Normally by the age of 3 most children have outgrown sitting in a pushchair or stroller and prefer to be walking around by themselves.

Advantage 2 " The whole major section of the pushchair in which the child will be travelling can be removed from the chassis and comes with handles so during the first few weeks the parents can use it as a carry cot.

Advantage 3 " A baby during the first few weeks after being born will spend quite a large amount of time sleeping and this pushchair has the facility to be placed into a fully reclined positioned. This means that as soon as the parent notices the child falling asleep in the upright position pressing a number of buttons will allow them to recline tit without disturbing them too much. However, it also means the pushchair can be raised when the child is awake and wants to see what is happening.

Advantage 4 " The biggest advantage to be had from buying one of these pushchairs is the cost. In most cases these are a much more economical purchase than the 3-in-1 pushchairs. Yes they look great but having to take off the carrycot to put on the car seat or pushchair part can prove very time consuming.

Advantage 5 " As the carrycot and pushchair convert easily from one to the other this type of pushchair incorporates a safety harness. Which the child will wear when they are sat upright in it or can be used when the baby is laying down. To prevent the harness hurting the child when lying down these types of pushchairs come with additional padding.

Above we have looked at a few of the advantages of 2-in-1 pushchairs in relation to other types of pushchairs, prams and strollers available. However, although these are perfect for keeping the baby or child safe when out shopping they will need to buy a good quality car seat from when the child is in a vehicle. - 30443

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10 Easy Ways To Put Your Kids On A Healthy Diet

By Megan Hillard

Do not think it is a daunting task to make your home healthy

Creating a nutritionally healthy home is one of the most important steps you can take to ensure the health of your kids. To start, make smart food choices, and help your kids develop a positive relationship with healthy food. Your children will learn their food smarts from your example.

The following are ten great tips to get your children to eat healthy food:

1. Do not restrict food. Restricting food increases the risk your child may develop eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia later in life. It can also have a negative effect on growth and development. Also by restricting food you will actually increase the risk of overeating later in the day which will cause weight gain.

2. Have healthy food in your home. Your kids will eat what is visible to them. Use this to your advantage. For instance, keep apples, oranges, bananas and pears in a bowl on the counter, not a drawer in the fridge. Also limit the empty calorie foods which you keep on hand. Doing this will teach your children how to select a healthier diet.

3. Try not to label foods as positive and negative. Conversely, you should associate foods with things that are important to your children. For example, educate your child on the importance that salmon plays in boosting cognitive abilities, and eggs play in providing high energy for sports performance.

4. Praise healthy choices. Give your children a proud smile and tell them how smart they are when they choose healthy foods. Kids thrive on positive reinforcement!

5. Don't nag about unhealthy choices. If your child chooses unhealthy foods infrequently, ignore it. However, if your child always wants fatty, fried food, redirect the choice. You might try roasting potato sticks in the oven (tossed in just a bit of oil) instead of buying french fries. Or, if your child wants candy, you might make fresh strawberries dipped in a little chocolate sauce. Too busy? Then keep naturally sweet dried fruit at home for quick snacks. With consistent effort taste buds change and soon your child will be craving healthy foods.

6. Absolutely avoid rewarding children with food. Doing so often leads to weight problems later on in life. Rather, you should reward your children with a healthy activity, such as going swimming, or a trip to the park.

7. Sit down to family dinners at night. If this isn't a tradition in your home, it should be. Research shows that children who eat dinners at the table with their parents have better nutrition and are less likely to get in serious trouble as teenagers. Start with one night a week, and then work up to three or four, to gradually build the habit.

8. Ration food portions for your children in the kitchen. This allows you to place healthy food portions on everyone's plate. In time, your children will be able to determine what is a healthy portion size.

9. Allow your children to exercise some decision making. Listen to your children's food likes and dislikes. This is especially important when it comes to healthy food. When healthy foods are the food of choice for your children, serve these foods to them more often. Conversely, offer foods which your children do not like less often.

10. Consultation with a pediatrician prior to changing your child's diet is recommended, if possible. If your child does need to change their weight, then make sure that you consult the proper literary resources to receive the help that you need. - 30443

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Genuine Tips On Buying Toddler Shoes And Toddler Footwear

By Royston Tan

Parents today want the best for their kids. While parents easily can determine how well clothes fit a child, it can be very tricky to determine how well shoes can fit a child.

This has more serious consequences if it is not properly taken care off. It may be quite to your surprise that there are many parents do not know how to properly fit their children with the right shoes. They just buy toddler shoes or toddler footwear based on their own ideas.

Based on the research done by the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA), there is nearly 22 percent of toddlers and preschool children develop foot problems like deformity , foot pain, bone malfunction and etc by the age of five.

However, there is only a small percentage for newborn babies are born with these foot problems. It is the lack of awareness of proper foot care including ill fitting shoes to cause these foot problems.

Here are some specific qualities or pointers mentioned by podiatrists in choosing the right toddler footwear for your child. By keeping these pointers in mind, you can avoid such potential foot problems to your child.

.Breathable : It should be airy and constructed using natural materials, so as to allow the feet to remain healthy. .Lightweight: It should not be heavy and should not impede or conflict with the child's movement. .Flexible : It should not bind the child's foot uncomfortably, nor should they restrict mobility of the toes. .Flat : It should simulate a bare foot, and should not have any arch support.

There are different types of toddler girls shoes and toddler boys shoes. These may include the dressy type, booties type, casual type and the sporty type. It all depends on the occasion or event that your child will be involved.

So it is important for parents to invest in a pair of high-quality shoes that will serve your child's activities and lifestyle as well. A high quality shoe should be light weight, flexible, breathable and it come with flat sole and not just how expensive or cheap it is. - 30443

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Let Your Imagination Run Free with Where the Wild Things Are Checks

By Alan Plastin

Are you a fan of the popular book, and now popular film, Where the Wild Things Are? Do you remember reading the book as a child and being whisked away with Max on his adventures? Do you now read that book to your own children? If so, then you might want to consider carrying personal bank checks that feature Where the Wild Things Are. Your checks will never be more adventurous!

Where the Wild Things Are is a 1963 children's book written by Maurice Sendak. Since its original publication, it has been adapted into a feature film, an opera, and an animated short film. As of 2008, the book has sold over 19 million copies around the world, making it one of the most popular children's books of all time.

The story is relatively simple at first glance. It starts off with a young boy, Max, who gets in trouble and is sent to bed without any dinner. While in his room, a wild forest and sea grow out of his imagination and he is taken to the land of the Wild Things. There, although the Wild Things appear vicious, Max is made their king. He has many adventures with them and although his time is exciting, he soon becomes homesick and lonely. When he returns to his bedroom, his supper is waiting for him.

As children reading the book, it was a delight to think that you could be taken on an exciting adventure, all without ever having to leave your own bedroom. Not only were the book's illustrations whimsical and fanciful, but the thought of being able to come home to a warm dinner after having such an awe-inspiring time provided comfort and protection, too.

Although you might not be a child any longer, you can still enjoy the adventures that Max sought. Now you can let your own imagination take you on an adventure with Max to the land of the Wild Things. When you purchase these exciting checks, your checkbook will never be boring again. You can also find coordinating address labels and a matching checkbook cover to go along with them.

Getting personal bank checks today is not as pricey or as time consuming as it was in the past when you had to get them from your bank. Now, you don't even have to visit your local bank and sift through a limited selection of checks that you are uninterested in. Nowadays, if you purchase your checks online you can not only have an assortment of checks to pick from, but you can also save as much as 50% off the cost of the checks that your bank might have charged you.

When you purchase your checks from a trustworthy site not only are you saving on cost, but you're saving time, too. Don't forget to have your routing number and checking account number on hand as they will need to be printed directly onto the checks themselves. - 30443

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Baby Shower Favors: For That Sweet Little Toad

By Danny Ricks

A new wait for new couples is for new little toad in the family. Baby showers are basically designed for expected parents. They give party to their friends and relatives and invite them for another party with baby shower favor. In this party to be parents share whatever they feel and want to do for their little toad.

In baby shower party there are different beautiful gifts, food and the most important thing that is considered is party favors. It is the only party for which friends wait a lot.

If you want to make the party memorable then you should choose the best baby shower favors. But there is such a large variety of baby shower favors in market that you will feel confused. Just have a look at some of the tips for choosing a good baby shower favor.

First of all consider the personality of the mother. Now choose the card that highlights the personality. If mother or father is not the one who is designing the baby shower favor, even then you have to opt for one that shows the personality of mother. Baby shower favor should be designed in such a way that it should show the real mother.

Buy baby shower favors from market. You have to roam around to get the best one. Compare different baby shower favors and prices of each favors. Opt for one which is reasonable and attractive. Do not ignore your budget. Baby shower favor should have all the qualities that will make the party memorable.

If you are too busy and do not have time to roam around in busy markets then you can also opt to get a baby shower invitation idea from internet. Search on Google and you will get a pool of websites from which you can buy a good looking baby shower favor. You can get it at your doorsteps. Also search different magazines and books for different ideas. Search each and every place to get the best baby shower favor.

You can also consult people who have attended a baby shower party or have organized one. Their ideas will help you a lot as they are the one who have a lot of experience. If you do not want to consider the personality of mother then you can opt for one that has already been used by some other mother. These baby shower favors are already tested so it is for sure that you will get good appreciation.

Throwing any party is not an easy thing. You have to plan a party carefully and not to forget anything. And baby shower favor is a very important party. So plan it in such a way that you will memorize it for your life time. - 30443

About the Author:

Motorcycle Radio Shows

By L.J. James

I have been active in the Motorcycle Community for many years. I've stood up for Biker's Rights. As a freelance writer, I've written about Clubs, the Community, and the Brotherhood of the Biker World. I've also been involved in many Biker related events either as a DJ or MC.

For as long as I can remember, I've wanted to combine all of this into a Biker Style Radio Show. A show where I could present and discuss topics that are important to Bikers as well as educate the outside world about the Biker Lifestyle and what it means to be a part of the Biker Community.

I knew it was going to be tough. I spoke with some local radio stations about my idea but, they either wanted a lot of money or they weren't interested. They claim that the "Biker Market" is a niche market and Radio Stations want shows that appeal to everyone.

In the summer of 2008, a guy from Florida called the Paisan, sent me an email stating he had read some of my articles and would like to interview me on his internet radio show, Sunday's Sauce Pot. I gave him a call and after speaking to him, I agreed to be on the show.

I did the show with Paisan and his partner Danny Dawg. It was an unforgettable show and I had a great time. I kept in touch with them and we soon became friends. I told them how I had been thinking about doing my own show. They were only too happy to explain to me how I could have my own internet radio show.

Since the show would be broadcast over the internet, I was a little skeptical. After doing some research, I realized that Internet Radio is an up and coming medium. Even now, some radio manufactures are making radios devoted to broadcasting Internet Radio.

I quickly realized that Internet Radio is more suited to what I wanted to present than traditional Radio due to the fact that I could broadcast my show to all over the world instead of being limited like I would be if I broadcast out of a local station.

The other thing that appealed to me was the fact that people could listen to my show any time they wanted to. Bikers like to travel. With Internet Radio, it doesn't matter where you are as long as you have access to an Internet Radio or Computer and WI-FI or broadband, you can catch the show. The fact that you didn't need a lot of money to start up was also very appealing. With a little help from my friends, I went to work. Finally, after 10 years of dreaming, I was On the Air. The Biker Lowdown Show was born.

The road to success was a little bumpy at first. With the addition of Chuck ( as my co-host, the road got a little smoother. With both of us researching information, we are able to share much more with our ever increasing audience. The addition of a website to compliment the show adds to the experience. The hard work of my webmaster Bjorn has resulted in a website that offers Articles, Video's, a Motorcycle Forum, and more.

I am sometimes amazed by the success of the show. Our Audience continues to increase each week. The Biker Lowdown Chat Room gets busier each week, letting listeners know they are really part of the show. Although we've come a long way, we're still working hard at making the show even more entertaining and informative for all those who ride or dream of riding. We plan on hitting the road so that we can meet and talk with people and reward our listeners with T-Shirts, Bumper Stickers, and more.

Of course we couldn't do it without the support of our listeners and sponsors whose donations make the show possible. To them, THANK YOU!

I invite everyone to check out the show at, and let me know what you think and what topics you'd like to hear discussed.

I am your Bro, LJ James

- 30443

About the Author:

The Most Amazing Speed Reading Course Ever -- 11 minutes!

By Dr. Jay Polmar

Most people can't believe it until they've tried it. 11 Minute Speed Reading is an amazing course because Dr Jay Polmar, founder of, cut out all the hot air, and teaches you the major techniques in 11 minutes.

How did he do it? First, he taught courses at colleges and universities in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Oregon and Hawaii to see how fast these techniques worked. And, then he took the 3 best speed reading techniques and wrote the course. They tested the course on hundreds of willing students, and in 11 minutes you too can be a speed reader by studying the course.

You'll also learn the right way to read a book. And, you'll discover how to get your reading task organized, what to look for, and how to remember what you read.

Now you can learn all the secrets on how to write your own term paper, any report, or any type of paper including research, organization, writing, reviewing, and the formal presentation. The methods are easy, even a 9 year old can learn to use them.

That method is unique, unlike any others, and you can teach your friends and family to be speed readers in only 11 minutes also. You and yours will be reading 50% to 75% faster in 1 minute. With practice, when you are reading - you'll double your reading speed.

Dr. Polmar is famous for speed reading and accelerated learning courses since 1977. He is the only speed reading teacher and author who has incorporated several different techniques of speed reading along with visualization and relaxation techniques to help people, from every country, to read faster and have a better and more productive life.

Written by Dr. Jay Polmar, ('s founder), an amazing man who has written over 100 success oriented books in his career. His specialty speed reading course, is based on 16 years of teaching at colleges and universities. - 30443

About the Author:

3D Wooden Puzzles: Makes You And Your Child Creative

By Benedict Perez

Whenever you think about 3D wooden puzzles the first thing that comes to your mind is hundreds of different pieces of anything that you have to join and make a meaningful thing. 3D wooden puzzles are available for both adults and children.

The 3D wooden puzzles are easy for children and tough for adults. If adults start playing children's puzzles then it will make them bore as it is very easy. So adults should play tough puzzles so that they do not loose interest and children should play the puzzles that are made for children.

3D wooden puzzles are designed in such a beautiful way that while solving the puzzle you will feel that you are constructing real good things with your own hands. Imagine that you have world trade center, statue of liberty, submarine, dinosaur, dragon, etc all favorite collections that constructed with your own hand as 3D models. A feeling of proud will come from inside when you solve these puzzles.

The material by which the 3D wooden puzzles are constructed is a high quality ply wood. Wooden boxes of good quality, shapes, sizes and colors are available in which all the instructions are given to assemble the puzzle. Solution of the puzzle is not given with the box. Just a picture is provided. You can search for the solution on internet. So it is very important that you read the instructions before heading on for puzzle development. 3D wooden puzzles are best for overall development of a child.

It is very good to free up your mind from all the hassle and stress and it put pressure on mind of your child which make it sharp. This pressure is not like mental tension but children put pressure on mind to solve the puzzle. It also keeps them busy for whole day. 3D wooden puzzles are excellent educational tools for kids to improve hand-eye coordination, to develop different visualization and creativity, and to learn how to organize a work process.

You will find a lot of puzzle series on internet and in markets. The series include dinosaur series, house series, animal series, landscape series, and symbols, series that make your child aware of the architectural world, sports series and many more. These series are designed for child's overall development.

It is the best educational gift for everybody and is packed in a good shaped box which is painted with beautiful colors. There are different puzzle sizes available for all age groups. You can opt to get it fully made or in the form of full puzzle with a single picture from which you can see the puzzle.

There are numerous websites on internet from which you can buy different puzzles. If you will search on Google you will get to know about these websites and just by a click of a button of your computer you will get the 3D wooden puzzle of your own choice at your door steps. - 30443

About the Author:

Have You Ever Wondered About Reading Faster?

By Dr. Jay Polmar

Have you ever declined joining a book club because you can't recall a word you read or because you can't keep up? If your reading speed is more tortoise than hare, perhaps it's time to look into a new way of reading.

But wait you say. It took years to learn how to read before. I just dont have that kind of time.

Never fear! With our Speed Read Complete Family edition, you will be able to double your reading speed in only an hour in the privacy of your own home, dorm room, or office! Speedread America's time-tested procedure of teaching your brain to speed read has been taught in live seminars for decades all around the world and the ebooks have been translated into five languages.

Are you worried about studying speed reading online? Dr. Jay Polmar taught speed reading from 1979 to 1993 and then set up those same courses for you to learn online. Over 100,000 people have studied and you can too! Dont waste hundreds of dollars to read just a few words a minute faster with other methods? With our time-tested and guaranteed Speed Read Complete Family Edition "including four ebooks as well as 12 supplementary MP3 audio files which fit easily in any iPod or other MP3 player" we guarantee you will be reading noticeably faster and comprehending more in just the first hour or every penny of your money back.

Start your Speed Read Complete program (if you are a child, or if you have a child), with If You Can Read This, You Can Read Faster (specifically designed for school-aged children). Or, you can start with our higher-level, Speed Reading in Only One Hour and move to our Be Dynamic through Speed Reading. In our full course you will learn not only how to speed read, but also how to learn to control your sub-vocalization, vary your reading speed at will, batch process, and the all-important techniques of power thinking.

Not only will you double your reading speed in just the first hour, using our time-tested Speed Read Complete course, you'll be able to increase your memory, recall, concentration, note taking, and so much more. In less than three weeks, you could even see a promotion at work or a dramatic rise in your child's GPA due to this new-found love of learning.

The Speed Read Complete was written based on a 3-day lecture course by Dr. Jay Polmar (, an accomplished author and university and community college professor who has over 40 titles to his name. Dr. Polmar has helped over 100,000 all around the world read faster and get ahead in both school and life. - 30443

About the Author:

SuperMom To The Rescue

By Edie Mindell

Once you have kids, you're not just a plain mommy, you also become a teacher, friend, chef, sports trainer, personal shopper, and stylist to your children; and thus the term "supermom". Everybody, especially your children expects you to be all those things----without any help or training. So below are a few hints to help you deal with the cutest of emergencies.

1. Potty emergency

When you're out in the mall with your little one in tow, a potty emergency will surely be called. Nowadays, you are lucky that womens restrooms are equipped with diaper changing tables and kid-sized urinals. You wouldn't get that exhausted when dealing with potty emergency.

You should always be prepared. Start training your little one to use the bathroom when the need arises, and not just to rely on diapers. You have to think fast and be innovative when the need arises. If you can, keep a handy "potty kit" at all times complete with baby wipes, baby towel, diapers, hand sanitizer or a small bottle of alcohol.

2. Shopping for inexpensive gifts

Be proactive and always be on the lookout for good finds. Stock up on affordable but cool toys, games, and tees. Buying up three pieces of one good item will save you significant time and money in the long run. You can also check out discount sections and wholesaler market. Price markdowns happen all-year round, so grab the chance to spot an affordable but cool baby gifts.

If you're creative and chic, you can just buy raw materials and make something beautiful and personalized out of it. The recipient will surely enjoy and be pleased by the creativity of your gift. You can also visit your favorite bookstores and the arts and crafts sections of departments stores to hunt for painting kits, puzzles, and activity books.

3. Packing a baby bag

When you have your baby in tow when you go out, you have to expect the unexpected incidents, like accidental spit-ups and throw-ups, milk spills, and wet and soiled diapers; so you need all the basic necessities inside the baby bag. You have to anticipate all possible emergencies so you will know what you need to pack.

Among those baby essentials that should be inside your baby bag are the following: A pack of six to ten disposable diapers, two to three pieces of changing clothes, a changing mat, baby wipes, hand sanitizer gel to kkep your hands clean before and after a nappy change, feeding bottles, and bibs.

Also disposable plastic bags to seal in disposable diapers before throwing out. A baby bag also won't be complete without a cute baby blanket to wrap your baby or to cover any surface where you need to put your baby down.

4. Breastfeeding in public

Before going out, you have to practice first in your home the position of your baby if you try to breastfeed him in public. Second, wear clothing that gives you "easy access" like a button down dress or blouse and a tie-strap top. Also a layered look will definitely be of great use for cover ups when breastfeeding.

Third, look around and try to find an area where it is not that crowded and too open or exposed to others. Fourth, have a wrap, shawl, or baby blanket and throw it around you to keep your breastfeeding private. Some malls today have nursing and breastfeeding rooms where you can use for added security. - 30443

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How To Avoid Acne Scars

By Aaron Miller

The effects of acne scars can be destructive both physically and emotionally. The wounds, although healed, leave behind blemishes and marks that are quite unattractive. Nothing has been found to entirely wipe out acne scarring. However, an knowledge of your skin may assist in alleviating your acne problem s possible long-term ruins.

Acne is the result of a reaction between bacteria and sebum discharged by the glands present in skin, leading to an infection. During the healing period of this condition, a fibrous protein called collagen is formed. When the collagen is in excess, there is a lump and when its generation is below normal then it results in tiny craters on the skin. Acne scars develop in both these situations. Teenagers are usually most prone to acne as the hormone levels increase during puberty resulting more sebum discharge.

An acne scar is a result of our tissue s power to restore itself after suffering a wound. After the human skin gets injuries, which involves acne, the body attempts to mend the busted tissue. However, the tissue cannot always be restored to its pre-injury state. There really is no exact work linking why several individuals end up with acne scars and why some luckily do not. To attempt to explain this, people have claimed that scarring merely runs in the blood . Thus, scarring is believed a familial nemesis. Some also scar permanently, while some people have scars that in the end vanish through time.

Since we have very minute understanding on acne scars, the best way to hinder acne scars then would be to hinder its source which is acne.

Acne must be treated early. The more irritated the acne, the higher chance that it will leave scar. Also, it is crucial not to peter, poke or touch your pimple. Let your dermatologist handle a good and proper extraction to avoid acne scars. It is also essential to know that the healthier you are, the faster your body will recover. You should not forego the basic principles such as eating the right foods with the right portions, drinking lots of water and other healthy liquids, and taking just adequate rest. It is also important to keep yourself from the sun s damaging UVA and UVB rays. Stay away from toxins that harm your body such as alcohol, nicotine and other things that causes free radical damage. - 30443

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Family Travel - Tips For Flying With Children

By Adriana Noton

Traveling by car with children can be easily managed. Kids get use to a car quickly and learn how to entertain themselves. As well, it is easy to stop the car and talk to them when they are not behaving. Traveling by airplane with children can be much more challenging. However, by employing a few simple measures, you can make the flying experience much more enjoyable.

The following is a list of helpful tips to make flying with children less stressful:

1. It is important to make sure you are prepared for the flight. There are a number of items you will need to board the airplane. Make sure you bring your child's passport and airplane ticket. When possible, purchase direct nonstop flight tickets so that you do not have to change planes which often is a hassle when traveling with children. For international air travel, book a bassinet for infants up to about 8kg. Ask the airline if they permit early boarding for families. Call the airline to see if they provide child seats. If they do not provide such seats, bring your own child seat. Arrive at the airport early and ask for bulkhead seats as they are roomier.

2. To ensure that your flight is peaceful, you need to keep your children busy while in the air. Many airlines offer video games, seat-back movies, activity books, comic books, and coloring books. You can also bring your own crayons, paper, puzzle books, toys, and game books. It will keep the kids entertained and focused during the flight and allow you to relax.

3. Many airlines will offer snacks; however, the food they distribute is not always suitable for children. Bring your kids favorite snacks and drinks. Do not give them food items that are high in sugar because it can cause them to become hyper during the flight. Water and juice are good choices. Other food items that are good choices include: bread sticks, small boxes of dry cereal, carrot sticks, apple pieces, raisins, bananas, rice cakes, and dried fruit.

4. When planning where you will stay once you arrive at your destination, choose an accommodation that caters to children. There are many resorts and hotels that provide free meals for kids and even allow children to stay for free. Some places also offer children's activities, cribs, babysitting services, and recreational facilities for children.

5. It is important to keep children healthy, happy, quiet, and safe during the flight. When changing altitudes, children will often experience ear pain. For infants, you can lessen the pain and screaming by giving them a pacifier or a bottle. You can give older children gum to chew.

Because flying with children can be stressful, the night before the flight, make sure you get a lot rest. You want to make flying with children comfortable and enjoyable. By preparing ahead of the flight and planning how to keep the kids busy during the flight, you can help reduce the chances of problems arising and help ensure the flight is relaxing and fun. - 30443

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How Oriental Kids Enjoy New Year

By John Chan

Kids have a special place in the New Year celebrations in China. lets see how the kids have fun during New Year.

New Year is a time when people of both sexes and ages have a joyous time and enjoy themselves to the fullest and follow a number of traditions but the youngest kids are the ones who have the best time in this season.

Younger children has the maximum fun as they are not old enough to take the responsibility of supervising and managing the things that needs to be done for the New Year celebrations. Therefore they are given the freedom of simply celebrating the Chinese New Year except sometimes helping the elders in the household activities.

New Year is one time in China when the whole nation is busy enjoying themselves to the maximum. The New Year in China is celebrated with the revival of the old customs. The children while sharing the fun and festivities of the occasion also learn about the history andsource of each event.

The New year celebrations become a history lesson as far as the kids are concerned but it is a history lesson they learn through fun and games and not sitting in the class room so they neither forget it nor become bored. In fact the learning becomes so interesting that these things stay in their mind forever.

The richness of Chinese tradition is apparent during the New Year when it manifests through various activities. The China in its true colors is presented to the children in such a manner that the kids easily understand them. The fun begins with the permission of staying awake till late at night and taking part in all sorts of activities.

The elders in China take pains to teach their kids Chinese history and traditions by arranging traditional games so that kids learn from them while enjoy playing them. One of the main games that kids get to play is dominoes which they learn that it started in China and Chinese are playing it for at least thousand years.

Another game which parents encourage the children to play is an 8th century game of cards. Here the parents create drawings on the cards and kids are required to write a story from the visual. Jianzi game is also played with lot of enthusiasm which is one of the ancient games of China resembling the game of hacky sack played by the kids in modern times.

The customary practice of Hong Bao which is the red envelope accepted by children from their elders. The red envelope contains cash which is meant to bring them good luck. Of course the kids love this ancient Chinese tradition which finances their holiday treats.

The kids also get to enjoy the general parades like the lantern festival as well as the dragon dance that takes place a few days into the New Year. On the whole the festive season is a time of immense fun and learning for children. - 30443

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Be One Cool Cat with Garfield Personal Checks

By Alan Plastin

Are you a fan of Garfield, John, and Odie? Are you tired of your plain old boring personal bank checks? Are you afraid that purchasing interesting looking checks will be not only costly but time consuming as well? It's not as expensive as you might think, now thanks to the Internet. If you're a fan of Garfield and his friends, you can even carry Garfield-inspired checks. Your checkbook will never be dull again.

Created in 1978 by Jim Davis, Garfield is the world's most syndicated comic strip. Everyone around the world is familiar with Garfield and his pals. The comic strip centers on the life and adventures of Garfield, a large orange, and sometimes lazy, cat as well as his owner Jon and Jon's dog, Odie.

Some of the things that the comic strip focuses on are Garfield's repulsion to diets, his lethargy, his love of all things food, and his detestation of Mondays. Since the comic strip is not political in nature, but rather focuses on the humor of daily life, both children and adults are able to enjoy his antics.

Jon, Garfield and Odie's owner, is a geeky but good-hearted man. According to Garfield, he has questionable taste in fashion and eccentric habits, such as watching polka ninja movies and collecting stamps. Jon's failure of being able to find a date is one of the comic strip's long running jokes.

Odie is an amiable yellow dog that is mostly shown to be naive, but endearing. However, his naivete could be an act since sometimes when Jon and Garfield are gone Odie can be seen watching educational programs on television and reading. Although Garfield usually gets the better of Odie, the two do seem to share a friendship with one another.

Now, if you're a fan of Garfield and his friends, then you can get Garfield personal bank checks at a portion of the cost that you might have paid at your bank by ordering your checks online. When you use a safe site you can save as much as 50% off the price that you might have paid in the past.

The Garfield checks are endearing and light-hearted, just like the comic strip. You can even purchase coordinating address labels and a matching checkbook cover to go with them in order to complete your Garfield collection. Every time you write a Garfield check, you won't help but smile-even if your finances are no laughing matter.

Purchasing checks on the Internet is simple and fast and takes out the ordeal of having to visit your local bank. You just need to know your routing number and checking account number to begin. These will be printed directly onto the checks themselves. You can usually expect to receive the checks in about 3-5 days, which might even be quicker than your bank got them to you in the past. - 30443

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Hiring An SLP For Your School

By Adriana Noton

The study of language and human communication is a valued and worthy science. However, the people who diagnose and help to treat difficulties or challenges in communication are called speech language pathologists. An SLP is specifically trained to diagnose speech issues at an early stage. That's why they are so important in schools.

The career path of SLPs starts with their education. Both speech pathologists and audiologists must have a certain number of courses under their belts. Typically they will learn about anatomy, acoustics and linguistics, as well as courses on counseling and parent training. They study phonetics and focus on learning about speech disorders, while also having a strong education in neurology and psychology.

A certified SLP will have training in clinical situations and settings, as well as in schools. They must spend quite a bit of time under the guidance and tutelage of a mentor in their field. With experienced help, they learn all the skills they need to help them in their future career helping others.

Speech language pathologists assess hearing, speech and language. They are involved in the prevention, identification, diagnosis and treatment of both children and adults. They educate the public and their client base on hearing impairments and communication disorders. An SLP will provide consultative advice to a team of otherwise focused professionals or they can offer more direct treatment services.

An SLP in a school setting knows that children are best assessed at the earliest age possible. Most school children are assessed in kindergarten either one on one or in groups in an informal and brief test. This first assessment test may last only five minutes, and usually involves having the child or children say their name, pronounce the names of certain items and answer open ended questions. This test is usually just to evaluate articulation, language fluency, and several other aspects of speech.

If it is found that a child needs further assessment or testing, the next phase is for the SLP in the school setting to spend about two hours with a child, one on one. The next test will include a physical examination of the mouth and throat and other parts involved in verbal communication. Use of sentences and words will be tested, as well as seeing how the child produces sounds in general. This longer visit will include tests for expressive and spontaneous language, as well as a hearing test.

As an SLP learns a child's particular case history and diagnoses the reasons behind why a child is having a communication challenge, they will discover the best method of treating the child. This will involve the family and the school as well as the child themselves. A good speech language pathologist knows that a challenge identified early on for a child is a challenge the child can be taught to overcome. With help from teachers, parents and other critical social systems, the child may regain or develop successful communication skills.

An SLP placed in the school system can help identify challenges with communication, language and speech disorders early on. Given the nature of their strong education and certification requirements, they come very highly trained and experienced already. In countries like Canada, one in ten citizens is living with a communication disorder. Early diagnosis and personal treatment options are the best way to resolve language and speech disorders. This is exactly what an SLP is trained for and prepared to do in a school. - 30443

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Nurturing The Einstein Brain In Your Baby Is Easy

By Edie Mindell

A few weeks after conception, your baby's brain is already on its way to being developed. Several months before child birth, your baby's brain could already do basic functions. Your role in enhancing your baby's brain and developing it further starts as soon as child birth and continues throughout his life, or at least until he starts learning on his own.

According to Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory, there are about seven different types of intelligence - linguistic, musical, logical-mathematical, visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. Some people can excel in all things involving math while others may have the gift of tongue. How we develop which intelligence would depend on how we were reared as a child.

Toys such as alphabet blocks and story books with large pictures can help your child develop his linguistic intelligence. For toddlers, you can give them toys that talk and say the alphabet and numbers out loud. Your child can them repeat after them. On the other hand, musical intelligence can be enhanced by crib mobiles that come with music as well as baby rattles. These toys give your baby a first-hand experience on how sound is produced. Your visual-spatial intelligence can be enhanced with the use of building blocks or clay. Older children can be given puzzles to solve. You might also want to try handing your child a few drawing tools which they could use to draw what's on their mind. A trip to a nearby park can also enhance your child's visual intelligence.

If you want to enhance your child's logical-mathematical abilities, you might want to try giving him or her building blocks. Older children can be given construction sets as well as experiment sets. Rubik's cube is another way by which you can enhance your child's intelligence as well as toys that allow your child to mix and match. Computer games that feature cause-and-effect activities can also help enhance his or her way of thinking. A trip to the local museum can also help hone their intelligence. Children with bodily-kinesthetic intelligence can participate in physical activities such as running around, scavenger hunts, dancing, etc. For babies, activities could include walking around, crawling and dancing about. They could also be given construction sets, building blocks and even clay.

On the other hand, enhancing your child's interpersonal skills would involve make-believe games. You can also allow them to act out characters from story books that you have read to them. On the other hand, puzzles and some quiet time for reflection, observation and analysis of things are just what your child needs in order to enhance his intrapersonal skills. Older children can be given puzzle books as well as brain teasers for them to work on. Your child's brain can absorb thousands of information during the first three years of his or her life. Take advantage of this phase of his or her life by giving him or her toys that would help in the development of his or her brain. The more types of toys he or she is exposed to, the higher the chances of him developing his intelligence. - 30443

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Music and Learning = Smarter Babies

By Edie Mindell

Music stimulates children's thinking skills, encourages creativity, and develops musical ability. Introduce music to babies by singing, humming, and chanting. It doesn't matter if the songs are sung off-key; babies love hearing sounds, especially those made by their parents. They are also riveted by rattles and other noisemakers.

Toddlers can already clap and dance to music, so introduce them to nursery rhymes and songs they can dance to. This helps develop their motor and verbal skills.

Preschoolers love musical instruments like xylophones, drums, toy keyboards and guitars. Musical books and CD's would also be greatly appreciated.

Experimenting with sounds stimulates a child's brain. For example, parents can make a guitar out of rubber bands and a cereal box. Just stretch rubber bands of different thickness around the box and pluck to create sounds.

Musical toys, as we all know are very popular for the children. MUsical toys vary from those that produce soothing sounds to relax your baby's mind, to noise-making variety that interests the child. These toys are also designed to fit in any age group.

In newborn babies, crib mobiles are a big hit because of the soothing sounds it create that help ease and relax the baby especially during sleeping time. These mobiles are also fun to look at because of the colorful figures attached to it.

Baby rattles are also perfect as musical toys because of the varied sounds it create whenever the baby take a grasp of it and start shaking it.

Musical toys are very important for the child's development. These toys hone the child's senses and ability to create and appreciate music in any form. These toys are specifically designed to entertain the child, at the same time educate him about music.

They are designed to entertain babies in musical ways that encourage speech development, motor and skills development, and deep appreciation to the music world. Learning music is very vital for the child's proper growth development.

There are many ways to introduce music to your child. From toys, to musical CD's, and just by simply singing to him a beautiful song, your baby can be exposed and learns to appreciate music in his life. With introducing and learning music, you are opening the world to him in new and exciting ways. - 30443

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Stimulation Through Toys That Have Lights and Sound

By Edie Mindell

Add a bit of light and a few sound effects and watch the fun grow. Your baby can roll, sit and even step a bit when holding your fingers or clinging to the couch. It might be time this year to get a Christmas gift that will really get the party started. Babies love lights. Toys that blink or flash stimulate brain function and really hold your little one's attention. You probably already have a variety of toys that come equipped with a light show. The addition of a few sounds and strains of music take the fun to another level.

Yet all the lights and sounds in the world are often no match for the simple pleasure of standing and moving. Babies who have reached the cruising stage are not content to sit in one place and rattle the same toy no matter how many lights it has or different sounds it makes. A cruising baby wants action!

This is where toys that come in the form of a table come in. There is a type of musical lights and sound table to suit any parent or baby's wildest Christmas dreams. A few of the more common varieties are simply activity tables that stand about a foot or so off of the floor. These elevated toys have knobs and buttons for your child to press, open, roll or slide. In addition to the gadgets for baby's play your child can now stand and shimmy all the way around their little table. Babies love to press the buttons that play music then perform their own dance routines while using the table to steady themselves.

Has your baby already shown an interest in a certain cartoon character or song? There are tables that incorporate most of the major baby friendly cartoon shows and songs. The familiar colors and sounds enhance baby's interest and play.

One of the perennial favorite light, sound or musical play tables for little ones are tables that include a miniature key board. It is never too soon to create a love of music in your child. Who knows where this early piano tinkering will take your child?

Parents often think about fun and learning. Babies just want to have a bit of fun. There is a table for that! In fact there are many, many tables that not only stimulate play, but also help your child learn a variety of basic facts. Some tables come with buttons shaped like each letter of the alphabet, as your baby presses these buttons the letter's name is said. The same holds true of shapes, numbers or animal sounds.

To get the most for your money look for tables that grow with your child both in terms of height and interest. Some tables have different program settings that will change the function of buttons and sound effects. This means your baby will move through the cruiser and toddler stages and not become bored because even for youngsters variety is the spice of life.

For mommy and daddy's sanity, look for tables that are equipped with volume controls as well as an off button. If your child loves this toy as much as most babies do you may soon wish it wasn't quite so loud. You will also want to consider how the table is powered. How long do the batteries last? How many, what type and what is the cost of the batteries it uses? Many toys requiring batteries are left lifeless and useless once the batteries wear out if the cost and ease of replacement is too high. - 30443

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Dress Up Clothes And Costumes

By Jesper Andersen

One of the most imaginative forms of play for young children is costume dress up. This type of play allows each child to role play and use their creativity. There are many costumes available for young children. Boys and girls can choose a costume that can transform them into a superhero, a fictional character or a hero. Dress up play is a great way to inspire the use of a child's imagination, while providing them with hours of entertainment. sells a line of costumes that are designed for use by children between the ages of 2 and 8. These costumes are crafted with high quality materials. The affordable prices make these costumes a great choice for any parent.

Girls have a large amount of choices, including princess, ladybug and fairy costumes. The angel costume is a popular choice for little girls. It is made of satin with a gold edged top. The costume includes a halo and can be washed on a delicate cycle in any washing machine. Another popular costume is the bumblebee. This costume is also crafted of satin and includes wings and feelers.

Little girls always dream of being a princess, and these costumes will allow that! There are various princess costumes to choose from, each made from satin in different colors. In addition to these popular costumes, girls can choose a fairy, various animals, or ball dresses. No matter which costume a girl chooses, she will feel like that princess she dreams of being.

There are some costumes available that can be used by either gender. The animal costumes, such as a dog, dinosaur or owl can make great costumes for any child. Each is made with the same quality materials as all other costumes.

There are also additional accessories that are available for purchase. The swords will go great with any of the pirate costumes. Parents of young girls and boys now have a reliable company to purchase high quality costumes from. Each costume will be sure to amuse your child, and in some cases can be quite entertaining for on-looking parents as well!

Dressing up has never been more fun. The costumes from are affordable priced. The value of the clothing is a positive point for parents with small children. The costumes are made to last, proving your child with years of fun and imaginative play. - 30443

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Montessori School In Carrollton: Finding A Good School For Your Child

By Kelly Mayberry

The Montessori school in Carrollton is based on the teachings of Dr. Maria Montessori and her philosophy on what gives the child the best possible start to life. The school has very many positive reviews from parents.

If you are considering sending your child to a Montessori school then you should know a little about the approach that the schools use and why it is different to other schools. Dr. Montessori believed that if a child is provided with the right environment and experiences, he or she is capable of achieving anything.

The school uses different learning frameworks than that you may see in regular schools. This method is known as the Montessori Method' as is strictly followed by the school in Carrollton.

So what are these tools and do they really enhance the child's learning and development? Dr. Montessori developed teaching tool that facilitate learning in young children by observing their learning pattern and behavior during the different developmental stages that they go through.

Children have an individual pace in which they progress from motor neuron skills to concrete operational stage and finally able to formulate and conceptualize abstract ideas. Dr. Montessori made scientific observations of the different stages of development to create her learning plan.

The classes and learning tools are designed to implement Dr. Montessori's vision. Some of these learning aids are not available in public sector schools or other day-care facilities. Teachers encourage the child to be self-disciplined and direct their own learning. So they are in control of the body of knowledge that they create for themselves.

Teachers are there to guide the children and support their learning needs. There approach is different to teachers in public schools as they encourage the child to think more independently from a younger age.

In most schools, the classes are held in large groups where all the children are taught at the same time. The teacher is in charge of choosing what topic to present. This method of teaching does not take into account the individual needs of children and their varying interests. At Montessori schools, the topics of interest are decided by the children themselves and guided through by the teachers.

Montessori schools provide the children to learn all the rudimentary concepts of arithmetic and alphabets. It is an integrated and complete approach to a child's development that has proven to be very successful. - 30443

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