How To Get Rid of Acne Marks Fast

By Carlos Zhang

A vast portion of the population struggles with the stigma of unsightly marks on the face, neck, shoulders, and back. Whether you are a teenager or well into middle age, everyone can benefit from the basic knowledge of how to get rid of acne marks.

One must understand what acne is to begin with. Think of it as a localized infection on your skin. Pores become clogged with an excess of oil. This creates the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. The infection shows up as red sores on your skin. The skin is basically wounded with this infection. Picking at your pimples and repeatedly touching your skin only serves to spread the bacteria that already exist. One of the answers to how to get rid of acne marks is to not pick at or touch your acne at all.

Vitamin E oil is another alternative. Vitamin E has been used for years as a moisturizer and a scar reducer. Finally, Lavender oil which can be found at your local health or homeopathic store has been long associated with skin care.

Persons with more severe cases may be wondering how to get rid of acne marks when natural remedies fail. Help may be as close as your local dermatologist. There is no reason to suffer in shame and embarrassment. A specialist can help you decide on the best regimen for you. Here is a sampling of some of the services that may be available to you.

Retin-A is powerful topical ointment that is available in prescription strength. In concentrated doses it can be very irritating to the skin and prolonged exposure to the sun is to be avoided.

The remaining services will be performed by a dermatologist in a professional office setting. Some of these procedures may require general anesthesia. Be sure to check credential s and find a reputed dermatologist before receiving treatment.

There are many solutions on how to get rid of acne marks. One must determine the severity of the marks and many things may need to be tried before a solution is found. For lesser marks, try some of the natural home remedies that are available. Retin-A in its less concentrated form can be found in many over the counter skin products. Consult with a dermatologist of good repute to discuss more extreme methods if needed.

This author has suffered from acne their whole life. Do not avoid living your life to the fullest because of embarrassing acne. Acne is not your fault and you shouldn't feel as if it is. Try the home remedies or find a compassionate practitioner that is devoted to helping you with your skin. - 30443

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